Argon HPC

A concise guide to using the Argon HPC cluster for high-performance computing tasks.

Getting Started

Creating a Job Script

Below is an example of a typical job script for submitting jobs to the Argon HPC cluster. Each line is explained in detail.

#$ -cwd
#$ -pe 128cpn 512
#$ -q UI-MPI
#$ -l h_vmem=80G
#$ -l mem_free=256G
#$ -M
#$ -m beas
#$ -o file.log
#$ -e file.log
#$ -V

Explanation of the Script

Useful Commands

Submitting a Job

qsub [jobfile_path]

Use qsub followed by the path to the job file to submit a job to the cluster.

Checking Job Status


Use qstat to check the status of submitted jobs. Add your username to filter by your jobs:

qstat -u 

Deleting a Job

qdel [job_id]

Use qdel followed by the job ID to delete a job from the queue.

Releasing a Held Job

qrls [job_id]

Use qrls to release a job that is on hold.

Loading Modules

module load [module_name]

Use module load to load specific software or libraries. For example:

module load python

Listing Loaded Modules

module list

Displays all currently loaded modules.

Unloading a Module

module unload [module_name]

Unloads a specified module.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Argon HPC Documentation
  • For server side issues, email Argon HPC Support with job ID: